Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Plain Coconut Milk Yogurt (Updated Version)

Since coconut milk is not milk from a mammal, using it as a yogurt base was a challenge.  The flavor was great, but the mixture was thin.  It took me much experimentation until I found the proper ingredient amounts to make this recipe a creamy, thick delight; I'm glad I took the time.  

Yields: 6-3/4 cup containers

2-13.5 oz cans unsweetened organic coconut milk
1/4 cup arrowroot starch
1 pack Knox gelatin
1 scoop Whey protein isolate
4 tbsp agave syrup 
3/4 cup of previously prepared yogurt or 1 pack of yogurt starter culture


Place the coconut milk in a 3 quart saucepan.

Heat milk to 115 degrees Fahrenheit, then cool to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.  

Add thickeners to a little of the milk, then add the mixture to the rest of the milk.   

Stir yogurt starter, whey protein isolate and the agave syrup into mixture.

Pour the yogurt mixture into the containers and place into yogurt maker.

Allow mixture to culture for about not more than 24 hours.  The longer the culture time, the more sour the yogurt flavor.

Place in refrigerator for 24 hours to set the yogurt.

This is plain yogurt is will not be sweet.  It can be used in place of sour cream. 

To sweeten add fruit, all fruit jelly, or a little more maple or agave syrup.  Vanilla extract adds a nice touch.  Sprinkle with granola for a crunchy creamy treat.



  1. I didn't know there was such a thing as a yogurt maker!! I must invest!! lol

  2. Thanks, Sweetie!

    I'm not sure if almond milk can be used. I would try it and see how it works. The yogurt flavor comes from the cultured bacteria, which is the healthy aspect of yogurt. I would not recommend using prepared almond milk, since it has extra chemicals in it which may affect the set of the yogurt.

    I haven't tried to make homemade almond milk, so I can't help you there.

    Have you tried to make your own coconut milk? It's so much different than the prepared coconut milk beverage, I bought in the store.

    You don't need a yogurt maker. I have read articles where an electric heating pad was used to keep the temperature constant between 105-110 degrees. Crock pots were also used. I believe the recommendation was to wrap the jars in towels to keep the temperature down.

    I didn't think my yogurt maker would work, since I checked the temperature of my yogurt and it was in the low 120's, but it hasn't affected the set. Too high temperatures will kill the bacteria culture.

    Love you, Dear!

  3. I'm not sure why your comment about almond milk didn't post.

  4. I will try making the coconut milk. and I have a crocpot, so I'lll give the yogurt a try, as well.
